To Defend Humanity

By Luis Britto García on January 8, 2022

photo: Bill Hackwell

Self-defense is the most undeniable right, that of our fellow man, the noblest. The paradox of humanity is to find its most dangerous enemy in the human race; it is indispensable to avoid annihilating ourselves.


Humanity’s defense is that of the resources necessary for subsistence. We are a single species on a single planet with limited and largely non-renewable resources.

These have been voraciously appropriated by the elites of a small group of developed countries that barely represent 12% of the world’s population, for an orgy of waste, conspicuous consumption and pollution that threatens even the survival of life.

To safeguard Humanity is to oppose the monopolization by multinationals of land, subsoil, water, energy, food, genetic codes, for the sole purpose of denying them to humans and accumulating dividends.

Demography and Society

Humanity is a single species; to harm one of its parts is to harm all. To preserve humans is to prevent them from being discriminated against on the basis of supposed differences of race, ethnicity, gender, religious belief or class.

To defend Humanity is to oppose the collective genocides of forced sterilization, wars of extermination, suffocating blockades, massive deprivation of means of subsistence, acculturation, expulsion and destruction of their habitats.

To defend Humanity is to achieve the recovery of the rights of the 80 million people who work in Special Zones for less than subsistence, stripped of their entire social, trade union and labor rights.


Most of the economic production comes from social work: the fruit of labor has to be socially distributed in proportion to the contribution to create it.

According to the World Bank, by 2017 on the planet 689 million people suffered from poverty; that institution calculates that the Global GDP for the year 2020 was 84.680 trillion dollars (for the Anglo-Saxons one trillion is one billion). That magnitude was more than enough to eliminate hunger and misery, cover the fundamental needs of the human race and make decisive advances in research and cures for the most widespread diseases. On the contrary, the Bank estimates that in the coming years another one hundred million people could fall below the poverty line.

In the midst of this expansion of misery, in 2021 the 20 richest people in the world almost tripled their fortunes by increasing them by 500 billion dollars. To protect Humanity is to correct an unviable economic system that increases poverty for workers at the cost of multiplying dividends for parasitic minorities.

Just as human beings cannot be slaves, Humanity cannot be enslaved by an unpayable Public Debt that represents 256% of the Global GDP: more than two and a half times what the entire planet produces in a year.

There will only be Democracy when the vote elects, not only those who govern politics, but also those who manage the economy, the way they do it and the way they distribute the wealth we all produce.


To safeguard Humanity is to make it possible for all of us to govern the institutions that govern us. Political power cannot be inherited as private property or assigned by invisible entities; every human being has the right to elect, be elected and governed by elected human beings; to choose the policies to which he or she will be subjected in the social, economic and cultural spheres, and to control their execution in real time. To prevent a country from ceding to foreign powers the sovereign power to dictate its laws, to apply them or to judicially interpret their application is to prevent it from becoming a colony, and its citizens slaves.


The excessive production of armaments is the most lethal way of activating the economy, because it does not translate into consumer goods, and in order to maintain itself it pretexts unjustified conflicts that in turn destroy lives and goods.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, in 2020 military spending rose by 2.6%, to 1981 trillion dollars, while global GDP fell by 4.4%. Nearly half of this military spending corresponds to the U.S. What would have happened if, instead of applying such colossal figures to death, the U.S. had devoted them to its growing problems of unemployment, poverty, health, to defend itself from a pandemic that has cost over a million lives to its population?

To safeguard Humanity is to prevent it from using the splendid gifts of intelligence and progress in mutual extermination or in the atomic Holocaust.


The Stoics maintained that all humans are equal in that they are endowed with the capacity to reason. To be on the side of Humanity is to ensure that this capacity is developed and that it has the instruments to become increasingly universal and fruitful.

Knowledge is the highest creation of the human race. To protect Humanity is to make it accessible, to disseminate it through free education at all levels, to prevent industrial, intellectual property and patent regulations from monopolizing for a few what is indispensable for all.

To protect Humanity is to defend the Truth. Just as there is dictatorship when an unelected power applies discretionally and by force the policies that suit it, there is despotism when the media power monopolized by five consortiums determines at its discretion what is communicated and what is kept secret from the vast majority of mankind.

To defend Humanity is to support those who defend the Truth. Those who denounce the conversion of the media into vast networks of banality, disinformation and espionage.  Reporting crimes is not a crime. To punish those who reveal the facts is a crime.

Source: Ultimas Noticias, translation Resumen Latinoamericano – English