Ukraine: Zelensky, the Neo-Nazis and the Forgotten War

By Angel Guerra Cabrera on March 10, 2022

Ukrainian President Volodomir Zelensky is of Jewish origin. So, repeats Fox News, CNN, PBS and, of course, other hegemonic media, ensuring us that it is absurd to claim that there are Nazis and neo-Nazi influence in his government. However, the facts show that not only Zelensky, but also the regime he represents, has a neo-Nazi background, rooted in the history of the Ukrainian nationalist extreme right, allied to the Nazis during the occupation of the USSR by Hitlerism. A feared division of the SS under German command, but completely integrated by Ukrainians, came to exist during the conflict. The SS was formed by the top leaders of the Union of Ukrainian Nationalists (UNO), Stepan Bandera and Ivan Pavlenko. A UNO guerrilla force also carried out extermination operations against Jews, communists and civilians, even razing entire villages to the ground. Members of the UNO carried out the Lvov pogron, in which 300 communists and 4000 Jews were murdered.

It was the groups inspired by that legacy that made possible, with their bloody actions against civilians and police, the anti-Russian coup d’état of 2014, through which the current US vassal regime was installed in Ukraine. First with the billionaire Petro Poroshenko at the helm, and later with the comedian Zelensky, inflated as a hero by the Western media machine since the war began. But his unpopular presidential administration is undeniable, full of scandals, not only because of his links with the neo-Nazis, but also because of the non-fulfillment of his campaign promises. Among them, the fight against the prevailing corruption in the public management of the country, one of the largest in the world.  Then he appeared in the Pandora Papers as the holder of accounts in tax havens with funds coming from Igor Kolomoisky.  The latter, a tycoon of Jewish origin and one of the main financiers of the neo-Nazi battalions Azov, Aidar and Dnipro. The first one with a strong presence in the forgotten war against the Russian-speaking population of Donbas, which has been going on for eight years. Azov was decisive, together with the also neo-Nazi Right Sector, for the victory of the coup, showered with rivers of money by Washington. So blatantly, that the U.S. Undersecretary of State, Victoria Nuland, was present for days at the Maidan protests mingling with them.

Zelensky certainly tried at the beginning of his term to de-escalate the armed conflict in the Donbas, a campaign promise supported by the majority of the Russian-speaking population and by many Ukrainian-speakers. He wanted to reinforce the so-called Seinmeier formula, promoted by the then German Foreign Minister Walter Seinmeier, consisting of calling elections in Donets and Lugansk, a step that would have pointed to the fulfillment of the sensible Minsk Agreements, until then ignored by Kiev.

The first-time president visited the front line and even threatened to disarm the neo-Nazis, but the latter attacked him in the social networks, threatened him, together with extreme right-wing politicians. So, the comedian reversed course and made peace with the thugs to end up pampering and encouraging them until he threw Minsk into the waste basket. The photo of Zelensky decorating with the Hero of Ukraine order, none other than Dmytro Kotsyubaylo, commander of the Right Sector (, who, together with the Azov battalion, has stood out for his war crimes against children, women, the elderly and, in general, the Russian-speaking civilian population of the Donbas, where they have caused between 13 and 14 thousand deaths, will go down in history. They are the ones Moscow accuses of preventing the exit of civilians through the humanitarian cordons set up by the Russian military in the last days in several Ukrainian cities, something perfectly plausible if one knows the fierce armed opposition and fierce provocations of these groups against the Minsk Agreements, their uncontrolled violence and their Russophobia. It was Ukrainian extremists, until today unpunished, who burned alive in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa 42 civilians of Russian origin, during the popular protests, which swept through several cities in eastern and southeastern Ukraine in 2014 against the protesters of Maidan Square and their purpose of integrating the country into the European Union and NATO.

Bandera and Pavlenko have been revered in far-right and official media since Ukraine proclaimed independence from the USSR. Both proclaimed Heroes of Ukraine by the parliament. A monument commemorates the former and a street in Kiev the latter. On January 1 of this year a march in Kiev remembered Bandera with great displeasure by the millions of Russian-speakers but with  evident governmental support. These are just a few of the grim evidences of the neo-Nazi presence in the government and sectors of Ukrainian society. Among other roots of this dreadful fratricidal war.

Source: La Pupila Insomne, translation Resumen Latinoamericano –  English